The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety as the central authority of the Free State of Bavaria in the field of food safety and consumer protection together with the National Research Platform for Zoonoses organized the LGL Food Safety Talks on July 3, 2019 in Oberschleissheim. This year's event dealt with the topic "Food and Zoonoses: A serious health risk?

Speakers at the workshop in Oberschleißheim
After the welcoming words of the LGL President Dr. Andreas Zapf, who focused on the "One Health Thought" and highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary exchange, Prof. Dr. Stephan Ludwig, from the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster, presented the National Research Platform for Zoonoses as coordinator. Three speakers, Prof. Thomas Alter (FH Berlin), Dr. Elisabeth Schuh (BfR Berlin) and Dr. Beatrice Stessl (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna) each gave a very well-founded overview of the current situation regarding Campylobacter, EHEC and Listeria. All three presentations were intensively discussed, especially the transmission pathways of Campylobacter, the age distribution of Listeria outbreaks and the challenges of ready-to-eat food in EHEC were in the focus of the discussions.
Dr. Hendrik Wilking from the RKI completed the morning with Listeriosis in Germany - epidemiological trends and identification of causes of outbreaks. He pleaded for less scandalisation through better communication! Outbreaks can only be clarified by summarizing epidemiological data and molecular biological analysis.

Prof. Stephan Ludwig during his lecture
Dr. Ute Messelhäußer presented the newly founded section on zoonoses at the LGL. Its tasks are the support of the local authorities in the context of food/zoonosis-related outbreaks (outbreak management) and the supervision of the nationwide registration system for food-borne outbreaks (BELA). The Division of Zoonoses serves as a coordinating body for technical and legal issues in the field of food-borne zoonoses. The conference was concluded by two lectures from the practice of Mr. VOR Jens Lewitzki from the veterinary office Weilheim Schongau and Dr. Ruth Renz from the health office district Günzburg. The two lectures clearly showed which challenges exist in daily practice for the Veterinary Office and the Health Office and how the problems are mastered accordingly. Both lectures were supplemented by the participants' own experiences in the discussion and were discussed very intensively.
Participants at the fully booked workshop in Oberschleißheim
The event, which was completely booked out with 120 participants, was a very good opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on the topic and to exchange views with representatives of the various specialist disciplines. The numerous feedbacks were all very positive. A further cooperation between the National Research Platform for Zoonoses and the LGL is planned.