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Research funding of the National Research Platform for Zoonoses

National and international cooperation is becoming increasingly important and can therefore meet the challenges of zoonoses research more effectively. Interdisciplinary research approaches in research networks are often necessary to achieve the research objectives in a timely manner.
Therefore, the acquisition of third-party funds for the research of zoonotic infectious diseases is of central importance, because the acquisition of additional funding by national and international funding organizations allows large collaborative research projects to be realized faster.

If you have any questions regarding research funding, please contact the Muenster office. 


National Research Platform on Zoonoses

Dr. Friederike Jansen

c/o Institut für Virologie
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Von-Esmarch-Straße 56
48149 Münster

Phone: 0251-83-53011